The Beginning of Something New

Posted by Sara Oquin on

Well, here we go. It's Christmas evening and I am loving my gift from my thoughtful husband. He knows the struggles I have had with my older laptop and went and got me a new one. I am so thankful for him. He is currently trying to eat dinner while the one year old attempts to steal his food. My 6 year old is laying on my legs, and my 9 year old is most likely playing minecraft in his bedroom. I, like myself, am working instead of relaxing. How strange is it that all I dream of doing is relaxing but never find myself doing so? I think I got that from my mom and dad. Both of them are the hardest workers I know. Always doing something, working a full time job but constantly finding something else to help make ends meet. While I do find pride in my work ethic I also wish I were a little less driven in this way. I hope my children see that I have them in mind when working, and am not looking for a way out. Laughable, because I never get away from them. Anywho, I am hoping this website will make ordering easier for my current customers, and possibly even bringing more in. Thank you. Thank you to those who have always supported me in my various ventures, and thank you to those that are new to my shop. I truly do appreciate you all and I will continue to work to bring you quality styles at affordable prices. Merry Christmas, and to all a good night! ❤

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